In order to support research on emerging and re-emerging arboviruses, as part of the Arbo-France network’s activities, ANRS | Emerging Infectious Diseases is launching its second call for applications to fund thesis grants from April 13th to May 31st, 2023.
This call aims to fund 3 thesis grants on arboviroses starting in September 2023.
These grants are open to all aspects and disciplines of arbovirology, with two priority themes identified but not restrictive:
- Animal component of arboviral infections: study of the animal compartment of a zoonosis / study of a strictly animal arbovirus that can serve as a model of emergence.
Interventional research on human arboviral diseases in population health, in metropolitan and/or overseas territories: vector control/control of arboviral risk progression and the use of dengue vaccines.
*Interventional Population Health Research (IPHR) aims to produce knowledge on interventions (actions, programs, organizations or policies) that can act on the distribution of risk and protective factors in a given population and reduce social inequalities in health, and have an impact on the social, cultural, and environmental determinants of health in that population.
April 13 – May 31, 2023
Results: July 2023
Research grants are intended for researchers who are:
- French or foreign
- PhD students
- 40 years old or younger at the deadline for applications
- affiliated with a French research institution, whether public or private
- candidates for a French doctoral program.
Your request must be submitted on the APOGEE platform, following the scientific outline provided below.
For any information regarding the call for applications, please contact:
Please consult the following documents:
- ACC Arboviroses 2023 thesis grants – Rules
- ACC Arboviroses 2023 thesis grants – Scientific outline (to be completed in Word format on Apogee)