Throughout the year, the Arbo-France network’s Scientific Coordination group organises discussions on topical scientific subjects relating to human and animal arboviroses.

Users of the presentations available on the website undertake to request authorisation from the authors to re-use the data.

On March 30, 2023, the two thesis grant projects selected in the 1st Arbo-France/ANRS|MIE call for applications were presented.

1. Development of the Sterile and the Incompatible Insect Techniques (SIT-IIT) as part of integrated Aedes albopictus control in Mexico.

Co-direction: Frédéric Simard & David Roiz

2. How insecticide resistance can affect Wolbachia-induced resistance to arbovirus transmission.

Co-direction: Anna Bella Failloux & Nicolas Pocquet

On November 28, 2023, a day dedicated to the West Nile virus was held: “Towards an integrated West Nile virus surveillance strategy in France”.

You can consult the presentations here.

The workshop reports and round-table conclusions will follow shortly.

On September 28, 2023, Nathalie Dejucq Rainsford gave a presentation entitled “Arboviruses, sexual transmission & male reproductive system”.

You can view the presentation by clicking here.

Presentation: Models for seroprevalence studies by Dr Jean-Claude Desenclos (SpF)

More information to come

Wednesday May 11, 2022 from 12:30 to 1:30 pm (Paris time)

The theme of this meeting is the development of a vaccine against African swine fever. This session is moderated by Dr. Stephan Zientara.

Update of the European VACDIVA vaccine project by Pr Jose Manuel Sanchez-Vizcaino Rodriguez (Laboratorio de referencia Universidad
Complutense de Madrid)

Presentation available here.

> African Swine Fever Virus virulence factors by Dr Linda Dixon (Research Leader at The Pirbright Institute)

Prof. Fabrice Chandre shared a presentation on insecticide resistance surveillance.
La présentation est disponible sur ce lien.

The theme of the first meeting was antivirals against arboviruses. This session was moderated by Pr Xavier De Lamballerie.

Ultrapotent pan-serotype dengue inhibitor that targets NS4B dengue presented by Pr Johan Neyts (Université de Louvain)

Presentation available in link- Johan Neyts-02.03.2022

Alphavirus: antiviral target(s) of nucleoside analogues presented by Pr Bruno Coutard (Université Aix-Marseille)

Presentation available in link – Bruno Coutard – 02.03.2022

  • Epidemiological situation of Oropouche and Mayaro in French Guyana presented by Dominique Rousset and Jean-Bernard Duchemin (Institut Pasteur de Guyane)

Présentation en lien Oropouche Mayaro 02022022

  • Epidemiological situation of African Swine Fever (ASF) presented by Céline Dupuy (Plateforme ESA-ANSES) and Sylvie Lecollinet (CIRAD)

Présentation en lien PPA02022002

Epidemiological situation of Dengue in Reunion by Luce Yemadje-Menudier (Santé publique France – Reunion)

Presentation in link Dengue-Reunion-07.12.2021

  • Epidemiological situation of Dengue in the Antilles

Presentation in link Antilles-Dengue-07.12.2021

  • Epidemiological situation of the Ovine Catarrhal Fever presented by Céline Dupuy (Plateforme ESA-ANSES) and Stephan Zientara (LNR FCO, ANSES)

Presentation in link _FCO-07.12.2021

  • An updated review of the invasive Aedes albopictus in Europe by Dr Francis Schaffner (National Centre for Vector entomology of Parasitology, University of Zurich)
  • Methods for Aedes albopictus control in Europe by Prof. Romeo Bellini (C.A.A. “Giorgio Nicoli” S.r.l.)

Collaborating Institutions